Join us for another conference where we sharpen our skills, build new relationships, and believe in our kids.

The Victory Over Violence Conference addresses the safety and well-being of the whole child in the school and community by addressing social and emotional development issues and family engagement. Workshops are applicable for FRYSCs and all other youth- and family-focused professionals.

Information about Conference

LOCATION: The Galt House Hotel, 140 N Fourth Street Louisville, KY 40202

DATES: July 12-15, 2022

CONFERENCE DETAILS: The conference will take place primarily on the Second Floor (ballroom level) with a small handful of sessions on the Third Floor (Conversatory/Skywalk Level)

Visit the tabs above to see the full detailed schedule and locations for each day.

  • 10:00 AM - Registration

    12:30 PM - Opening Keynote

    Plenary Grand Ballroom

    1:45 PM - Session #2

    3:15PM - Session #3

    5:00PM - “Back to the 80s” Reception

    Adjacent to Exhibit Hall

  • 9:00 AM - Session #4

    10:30 AM - Session #5

    12:00 PM - Networking Luncheon

    Plenary Grand Ballroom

    1:30 PM - Afternoon Keynote

    Plenary Grand Ballroom

    3:00PM - Session #8

    4:30PM - FRSYCKY Coalition Membership Meeting

    Room D - Breathitt

  • 9:00 AM - Session #9

    10:30AM - Session #10